In this live episode, we share our keynote from the 2019 Witches Confluence. Patriarchy enforces its agenda by through punishment and coercion; in order to survive, we often feel like we have to shut down our hearts to protect ourselves. But it's only by reclaiming our heart, that sacred territory of love and intuition, that we can find a way to break the spell of patriarchy and create a joyful, interdependent world for all beings. Tarot is a system of divination that evolved within the patriarchal system, but just as the seeds of healing can be found even in our patriarchal culture, they can be found within the tarot as well. In this episode, our FIRST EVER LIVE RECORDING (woo-hoo!), Sarah and Amanda explore the tarot archetypes of this year and next: the Empress and the Emperor, and offer ways to heal the heart.
A huge thank you to Casey Zabala of the Witch's confluence for organizing a beautiful event. A huge thank you to everyone there that participated.
To learn more about the Witch's Confluence, go here.
Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):
To sign up for Amanda's newsletter, CLICK HERE.
To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.
Amanda's Facebook
Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):
Amanda Yates Garcia, Sarah, Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. With editing help from Jiha Lee.