The Empress Workshop: Erotic Magick for Joy, Pleasure, and Allure
In this workshop, we call in the Empress, pleasure Queen and the tarot avatar of Venus, goddess of love, luxury, beauty and creativity, and we practice her sacred arts. Erotic Magick teaches you how to:
Right now the Sun and Venus are both in Taurus. Beltane, the pagan fire holiday celebrating sexuality and fertility, arrives soon to light up our night. We need to make the most of this moment!
In witchcraft our pleasure is not penalized or policed. Our pleasure is holy. We have our glorious senses for a reason. And as long as ye harm none, do as thou wilt. Join us!
This workshop includes:
The live ritual happens on May 2 at 11am, but if you can’t make it, the replay will be available within 24 hours.
Your presence is OUR pleasure. We hope you can join us!
THE EMPRESS WORKSHOP and all future workshops are included in your Jupiter level subscriber membership who sign up this month. Click here to subscribe.